314 Meeman Journalism Building
Department of Journalism and Strategic Media
University of Memphis
rwang4 [at] memphis.edu
Google Scholar | Research Gate | CV
Hello! Welcome to my website. My name is Dr. Ruoxu Wang and I am an associate professor of advertising at the University of Memphis. I received my Ph.D. from Penn State University, my master’s and bachelor’s degrees from North Dakota State University.
My research focuses on the intersection of media effects and persuasion under the context of communication technology and strategic communication.
Besides research, I also like drawing, photography, watching movies, and travel.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Wang, R., & Yang, J. (2024). Displaying health cues on online dating profiles: How do gender, smoking, and COVID-19 vaccination statuses influence impression and dating decision. Telematics and Informatics, 95, 102192
Yang, J., Wang, R., & Arant, D. (2024). How did university leaders lead during the COVID-19 crisis? Messages, responses, and leadership. Journal of Higher Education Management, 39(2), 127 - 147
Wang, R., & Haigh, M. M.(2024). News reading on smartphones: How do mood, modality interactivity, and news story length influence news engagement? Behaviour & Information Technology.
Wang, R., Yang, J., & Haught, M. (2023). User engagement with consumer technology video ads on YouTube: A study of content analysis and experiment Telematics and Informatics Reports. 12, 1-9.
Yang, J., Wang, R., Cook, A., & Fuller, R. (2023) Gaming during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Examining its Effect on Loneliness & Motivation, Playing and Gratification Differences between Competitive and Recreational Gamers Telematics and Informatics Reports. 11, 1-11.
Wang, R., & Huang, Y. (2022) How Do Narrative Structure and Format Influence a 360 Degree Video Ad? Journal of Promotion Management. 28(6), 1-21
Wang, R., Yang, J., & Asser, L. (2021). User Experience (UX) matters: What are the most desired skills in the UX designer and UX researcher job ads. Journal of Communication Technology. 4(2),82-105.
Wang, R. & Wu, M. (2020). Catch them all: Exploring the psychological impact of playing Pokemon GO. Journal of Communication Technology. 3(1),53-72.
Wang, R., Huang, Y., & Anghelcev, G. (2020). Exploring the effects of compliance/non-compliance message framing, desirability of end states, and brand zealotry on consumers' responses to wearables advertising. Journal of Promotion Management. 26(7), 964-985
Huang, Y., Bortree, D. S., Yang, F., & Wang, R. (2019). Encouraging volunteering in nonprofit organizations: The role of organizational inclusion and volunteer need satisfaction. Journal of Nonprofit & Public Sector Marketing. 32(2), 1-19
Wang, R., & Huang, Y. (2018). Communicating corporate social responsibility on social media: Effects of CSR strategy and source on stakeholders' perceptions.Corporate Communications: An International Journal. 23(3), 326 - 341
Wang, R., & Yu, N. (2018). Friending instructors on Facebook: Exploring the role of privacy on student-instructor connection on cyberspace. Telematics and Informatics. 35(5), 1215 - 1221.
Wang, R., & Sundar, S. S. (2018). How does parallax scrolling influence user experience? A test of TIME (Theory of Interactive Media Effects). International Journal of Human Computer Interaction. 34(6), 533 - 543.
Wang, R., & Huang, Y. (2017). Going native on social media: The effects of social media characteristics on native ad effectiveness. Journal of Interactive Advertising. 17(1), 41 - 50
Wang, R., Yang, F., & Haigh, M. M. (2017). Let me take a selfie: Exploring the psychological effects of posting and viewing selfies and groupies on social media.Telematics and Informatics. 34(4), 274-283.
Wang, R., Kim, J, Xiao, A., & Jung, Y. J. (2017). Networked narratives on Humans of New York: A content analysis of social media engagement on Facebook. Computers in Human Behavior. 66, 149-153.
Wang, R., Yang, F., Zheng, S., & Sundar, S. S. (2016). Why do we pin? New gratifications explain unique activities in Pinterest. Social Media + Society. 2(3), 1-9.
Ott, H. K., Wang, R., & Bortree, D. S. (2016). Communicating sustainability online: An examination of corporate, nonprofit, and university websites. Mass Communication and Society. 19(5), 671 - 687.
Wu, M., Huang, Y., Li, R., Bortree, D. S., Yang, F., Xiao, A., & Wang, R. (2016). A tale of two sources in native advertising: Evaluating the effects of source credibility and priming on trust and perceived deception. American Behavioral Scientist. 60(12), 1492-1509.
Book Chapter
Yu, N., Littlefiled, R., Farrell, L., & Wang, R. (2018).It's not preventable yet you are responsible: Media's risk and attribution assessment of the 2012 West Nile outbreak In H. D., O'Hair (Ed) Risk and Health Communication in an Evolving Media Environment. (pp. 300 - 316). Taylor & Francis
Book Review
Wang, R. (2019). Book Review: Dialogues on mobile communication. By Adriana de Souza e Silva. Mobile Media & Communication. 7(2), 289 - 290.
I am happy to take interviews with media. If you need my expertise, email me at rwang4@memphis.edu.